Friday, May 23, 2008

And we are off......

.....on our first camping trip of the season. Grady has been waking up for the last two weeks asking if today is the day we go camping. Well, when the little guy woke up today I could say yes we were going camping today. We are off to Wampatuck State Campground in Hingham Ma. No camping resort for us this weekend...this is the real thing. Well, if you count the electric hookup and the martini glasses in the camper. Oh, and my travel journal supplies are packed up also. I have to work on that this weekend so I will be ready when Gregg and I leave a week from Sunday on our cruise. Pictures to follow when get back. Have a super weekend everyone!!


  1. Hope you're having an awesome camping trip! :) Get that journal done lady!!! LOL

  2. Hope you have a great trip!
